
Step into ur大碩補習班 power譯做你要做的事,正確嗎?


So why do so many people keep telling us, "Step into your power"? Because we have a hardtime saying, "I am powerful" even though we like the feeling. We blush when people say we intimidate others and respond bysaying, "Who me? How could I threaten anyone?" Then we feel badlythat these... 顯示更多 So why do so many people keep telling us, "Step into your power"? Because we have a hardtime saying, "I am powerful" even though we like the feeling. We blush when people say we intimidate others and respond bysaying, "Who me? How could I threaten anyone?" Then we feel badlythat these people think we are unapproachable even ifwe secretly like feeling tough.那麼,又為什麼有這麼多人不斷告訴我們「做你要做的事」?因為我們很難承認「我擁有權力」此一事實,縱使我們很喜歡這樣的感覺。只要有人說我們對其他人構成威脅,我們會覺得不好意思,然後回答說「誰?我?我怎麼會那樣呢?」接著,我們就會往壞的方向去想,認為別人覺得我們很難相處,即使我們並非如此。 兩小句原文不太了解,所以憑著上下文翻翻看…請問原文是什麼意思呢?? Therefore, if you are a woman, considerthese questions: What will it take for you to admit that you have talents, skills and wisdom that people admire and recognize? What will it take for you to feel pride for the effect you have on others? What will it take for you to appreciate being put on a pedestal because you are a model for others to follow?因此,身為一名女性,請想想下列幾個問題:1. 要你承認人們所崇拜,並認可你的天賦、技能,以及智慧,需要什麼代價嗎?2. 要你承認你感到很有自信,因為你對別人有影響力,需要什麼代價嗎?3. 要你承認你很珍惜你現在擁有的地位,因為人們都以你為典範學習,需要什麼代價嗎? 這一段不知道這樣翻譯可以嗎???我都用「要你承認….需要什麼代價嗎?」這樣的句型來套那三個問題@@看到原文開頭都是「What will it take for you to…」所以就夏恩英語評價想說中文也都統一,這樣翻譯是否OK呢??


簡單的回答 1.Step into your power=>捍衛你的權益 2.even if we secretly like feeling tough.=>即使我們私下都喜歡強勢的感覺 3.What will it take for you =>In what condition that you will=>譯成"在怎樣之情況下"比較通順 其他版主譯的是事不錯的 2011-09-21 09:12:32 補充: 1.在怎樣之情況下妳會承認妳有人們欣羨的才能技能與智慧 2.在怎樣之情況下妳因自己對他人之影響力而感到驕傲 3.在怎樣之情況下妳會因成為眾人跟隨之典範遭稱頌而感到榮幸



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